The Transfiguration of LinesÂ
Steam Bent Ash
Master Exam 2018
The theme of this work relates to organic growth and form and explores the significance of making with our hands, from gaining deeper knowledge of the material, to the value of craft. It is informed by the writings of  D’Arcy Thompson's On Growth and Form, Arthur Wesley Dow’s Composition and Lafcadio Hearn’s ideas on perceptive dichotomies.  These texts were critical in my approach and helped drive the thinking behind my work. I took from them what I believed held most potential for me, this includes ideas on form generation, line compositions and ethical conditions within us that affect how we perceive the world. It was then for me to interpret and develop these ideas to find my own design method and approach. Working from geometric line patterns, evolving surface details and using a steam bending technique the process delivered three objects that I hope challenges viewers perceptions.